Thursday, April 25, 2013

Derrick Rose: Finding Out Who His Real Fans are

This has been a real hot issue for a while, but it has escalated to a whole new level since the NBA Playoff started.

Derrick Rose, the superstar point guard for the Chicago Bulls, tore his ACL last year in the first round of the playoff. Since then he had been out. It was projected that he could return after the All-Star break of this season.

However, that didn't happen. He has been cleared by the doctor to play and is seen doing shootarounds before games, but he has yet to hit the floor to actually compete in games. This, in the eyes of his so called 'fans' is a disgrace.

They feel like that Rose should have played to help the Bulls win games. At least in the playoff because right now the Bulls are struggling to find their offense against the Brooklyn Nets. Since he hasn't, fans are questioning his commitment to the Chicago Bulls.

I, however, have to disagree. I think it's really unfair for the fans to judge him just because he has yet to see any playing time this season. I know the Bulls are so much better with Rose on the floor, but I don't see any point on bringing him in for this season if he doesn't feel he's ready.

My main reason is that no one knows his body better than himself. Not even the doctors. There might be something that made him uncomfortable if he plays. He may seem healthy, but there's something that make him decide not to play.

Another reason, an injury like a torn ACL is not something easy to recover from. Your injury might heal, but mentally you may still be thinking about that moment of injury. You will have the “what if it happens again” mentality in the back of your head. That, of course, will lead you to try your best to not do what you did to injure yourself.

Rose got injured doing a hop step lay up, or basically, jumping. How the fans say he should play basketball when he injured himself from jumping is beyond my comprehension. I mean, after he has 'healed', he dunks by taking off from the uninjured foot and landing on that same foot. That indicates that he is not ready to return to his usual self: The Explosive MVP Point Guard.

If Derrick Rose read this, I wanted to say that you always have us, the real fans, behind you. Don't bother with what people says about you not a Chicago Bulls by not playing. Those are fake fans. Come back when you feel you are ready and give us the usual Derrick Rose, the athletic, the athletic, exciting, explosive, and competitive Superstar Point Guard that you are :)


Monday, April 22, 2013

People Complain, but Do Nothing to Help

Over the past week, I’ve been reading news about how there is no real effort to take care the problem named: “flood”. Recent flooding in Ciledug has had the people there fuming. Your friend in mind, Joko Widodo, or Jokowi, has been the man on the hot seat in this matter. I, however, find this rather funny.

For one thing, Ciledug is not even a part of Jakarta if I remember correctly. I believe it is part of Banten. Jokowi is the governor of Jakarta, so I don’t think he deserves the critique he’s been receiving in the past week. Of course, he could have done something, but the blame should not be all placed on him.

Another thing I want to point out is that it is not easy to deal with stuff like flood or traffic jam. There are lots of aspects needed to fully come up with a solution for problems. Unfortunately, Indonesians are the instant type. What I mean is that people expect someone to do something and, boom, problem solved.

One last thing that needs to be addressed is that the people that can only criticize have not done the littlest thing to aid the problem solving.  I mean, no matter how much efforts Jokowi and his peers do to solve the flooding problem, it will not do anything as long as we, as the citizen, throws our plastics, papers, sandals, and refrigerator (yes, you read that right, RE-FRI-GE-RA-TOR!) anywhere we please (read: the rivers, waterways, gutters, etc).

All in all, I guess what I'm trying to say is, Before criticizing others' effort, question yourself: "What have I done to help?"


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Selamat hari Kartini!

Selamat hari Kartini!

pada kesempatan ini saya, Radityo Utomo, ingin sedikit menjelaskan makna emansipasi perempuan

Emansipasi perempuan/feminisme adalah suatu gerakan untuk menyamakan hak perempuan dan laki-laki dalam sosial, politik dan ekonomi. Hal ini berarti perempuan tidak harus tetap di rumah menanak nasi tapi dapat keluar dan bekerja, memilih pemimpin negara, dan bersosialisasi layaknya laki-laki.

Sayangnya di Indonesia ini, emansipasi perempuan justru diartikan sebagai peninggian derajat perempuan saat mereka bersaing dengan laki-laki di luar rumah. Parkir khusus perempuan di berbagai mall, gerbong khusus perempuan dan rangkaian kereta khusus perempuan di KRL, area khusus perempuan di TransJakarta. Menurut para pemangku kebijakan-kebijakan ini, hal-hal ini diperlukan agar perempuan mendapatkan kemudahan saat bersaing di dunia luar.

Bodohnya kebijakan-kebijakan disini ada 2:
1. Secara langsung mengatakan bahwa perempuan itu lemah dan memerlukan perlakuan khusus. Hal ini jelas bertentangan dengan makna emansipasi itu sendiri.
2. Kebijakan-kebijakan ini mengurangi hak laki-laki (hak parkir, hak terangkut KRL atau TransJakarta)

Sekarang saya analisis satu per satu kekhususan perempuan yang saya sebutkan di atas

Untuk parkir khusus perempuan, hal itu dikarenakan perempuan cendrung belanja banyak sehingga disediakan parkir yang dekat dengan pintu masuk. Hal itu saya dapat dari rekan saya yang bekerja di salah satu mall besar di Jakarta. Pertanyaan saya, belanja banyak berarti berkeliling-keliling mall untuk dapat begitu banyak tas belanjaan kan? Mereka kuat melakukan itu, masa mereka tidak kuat jalan ke tempat parkir?

Untuk gerbong dan rangkaian khusus perempuan di KRL, menurut saya tidak berguna karena perempuan tetap bisa masuk gerbong campur. Kalau ini memang untuk melindungi perempuan dari pelecehan, kenapa perempuan tetap bisa masuk gerbong yang ada laki-lakinya?

Sedangkan untuk area khusus perempuan di TransJakarta, menurut saya ini luar biasa bodoh dan hanya mendiskriminasikan laki-laki. Alasannya sama dengan yang sebelumnya, perempuan masih bisa masuk ke area yang ada laki-laki. Tapi yang membuat saya benar-benar kecewa dengan kebijakan ini adalah kebijakan ini diminta oleh para pengguna TransJakarta perempuan. Saya bisa bilang begini karena banyak rekan-rekan saya dari kalangan onboard (bahasa jeleknya: kernet) TransJakarta menyatakan bahwa kebijakan ini hasil dari survey yang dilakukan secara tidak adil (hanya mensurvei perempuan).

Jujur saja , saya sangat kecewa dengan perempuan-perempuan ini karena mereka secara langsung menguatkan stigma bahwa perempuan itu lemah dan harus mendapat pengutamaan. Selain itu, dengan meminta area perempuan tanpa adanya area laki-laki, mereka mengurangi hak pengguna laki-laki untuk terangkut bus TransJakarta.

Dulu sudah ada kebijakan yang lebih benar dengan adanya area perempuan dan laki-laki. Kebijakan tersebut hilang karena perempuan protes soal mereka tidak bisa duduk di area laki-laki. Mungkin agenda para pengguna perempuan ini adalah menghapus TransJakarta sebagai angkutan umum dan menjadikan TransJakarta angkutan eksklusif perempuan.

Sekarang saya ingin tanya, benarkah perempuan selemah itu? Karena pasangan saya bisa naik angkutan umum (angkot, MetroMini, KRL, Kopaja, Dian Mitra, Patas, dll) dan dapat menjaga diri. Secara pribadi saya tidak pernah harus khawatir berlebihan karena dia perempuan kuat.

Sekian sedikit penjelasan dari saya. Silahkan dikomentari, disanggah, dibagikan, atau apapun yang menurut pembaca cocok.
